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Uses of Interface

Packages that use Event

Uses of Event in org.eidola.kernel

Methods in org.eidola.kernel with parameters of type Event
 void Container.broadcastEvent(Event event)
          Broadcasts an event concerning changes in this container, incrementing appropriate modification counts.
 void NamedElement.broadcastEvent(Event event)
          Broadcasts an event about changes in this element, incrementing appropriate modification counts.
 void Compiler.handleEvent(Event event)
          If the event is a CompileRequired, this handler calls Container.compile() for the event's source.

Uses of Event in org.eidola.kernel.event

Classes in org.eidola.kernel.event that implement Event
 class CompileCompleted
          Signals that a compile cycle is finished, and the conatiner's errors may have changed.
 class CompileRequired
          Signals that a container needs to be recompiled.
 class ContainerCreated
          Signals that a container was just created.
 class ContainerEvent
          An event originating from a container.
 class GeneralizationsChanged
          Signals that a class's generalizations have changed.
 class NamespaceChanged
          Signals that an element is now in a different namespace.
 class SignatureChanged
          Signals that a named element's signature has changed.
 class StructureChanged
          Signals that the source container's structure has changed.

Methods in org.eidola.kernel.event with parameters of type Event
 void EventBroadcaster.broadcastEvent(Event event)
          Broadcasts an event to all registered listeners on their respective queues.
 boolean ContainerEvent.propagationChainContains(Event event)
          Determines whether a given element is involved in the chain of events which lead to this event.
 void EventQueue.addEvent(Event event, EventListener target)
          Adds an event to the queue.
 void EventListener.handleEvent(Event event)
          Handles an event.

Uses of Event in org.eidola.test

Methods in org.eidola.test with parameters of type Event
 void Test.handleEvent(Event event)
 void CommandLineInterface.handleEvent(Event event)
 void TreeTest.handleEvent(Event e)
 void GraphicsTest.handleEvent(Event e)
 void BoxTreeNotation.handleEvent(Event e)

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