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  On Use Cases and Feature Sets
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A popular approach to interface design, and to software design in general, is what businesses often call use cases. The idea is simple: to design an interface, figure out what a program will generally be used for, and come up with a set of tasks -- use cases -- which are representative of what the majority of users will want to do with the product. Design the software around the use cases, using the ease and efficiency of all the use cases as a yardstick for the program's success. If users demand more features, the market for the software expands, or the company simply has more resources to build up the software, then add more use cases and repeat. (Why not, right? Can't hurt, can it?)

This model is a big hit in the business world. It is simple and lends itself to the sort of institutionalized accountability that keeps projects managable. And it represents a great improvement over the ad hoc method of interface design programmers usually follow, in which interfaces happen as a spontaneous by-product of coding, without ever being designed at all.

The problem with the use case model is that it tends to lead to debilitating featuritis, and successive versions, instead of converging to an optimally effective program, diverge and grow without bound until the growth of the software outstrips the growth of the company that must maintain it.

  Packed with New Features!
It is not immediately apparent that the use case model causes software divergence, but the relationship is actually quite direct. Imagine that we can describe a domain of functionality which we would like our software's features to cover, and picture a set of use cases as paths designed to walk through all the important areas of the domain. When a path walks through an area which no feature covers, we add a feature centered more or less on the path. This feature, however, will probably cover more of the domain than just the path we're taking; it will account for an area around the path. The more general and robust the feature, the larger the area it covers.

Of course, this is only an approximation method -- some areas in the domain may be poorly covered (at the fringe of an existing feature) or not covered at all, and there is always room for improvement, for new features which catch bare spots in the domain of functionality. However, we can drive the software arbitrarily close to completely covering the domain of functionality simply by driving the number of use cases to be dense in the domain of functionality, and thus driving the number of features and the size of the software to infinity. The result will generally look something like Microsoft Word, a rare example of use-case-driven software in which the company actually has the resources to drive the size of the software to infinity.

Aside from the obvious problems of escalating resource use and development costs, the results of this approach taken too far do not even achieve what they intend. The idea that many features can cover a domain of functionality fails to take into account the fact that humans have a limited ability and willingness to learn a complex skill; thus, even if a word processor has hidden deep in its bowels a "wizard" for printing addresses on label sheets, half the users attempting to print labels will go at the problem without the wizard's help, using the basic tools they are already familiar with -- margin adjustments, tabs, carefully placed carriage returns, and a few dozen test printouts. Wouldn't you?

  Simplicity and Generality
The use case model is something like a foreign language phrasebook. Phrasebooks are designed around use cases -- eating in a restaurant, buying postage stamps, bribing customs officials. There is, therefore, a limit to how robust phrasebooks can be; they're useful to a point, but no traveler will want a book with a phrase for every common situation because it will be the size of an encyclopedia, not only impossible to carry, but impossible to use. At a certain point, it becomes preferable to actually learn the language.

For sufficiently complex problems, a good interface works like a natural language: it is robust and expressive, and seeks not to directly address every possible scenario specifically (as a phrasebook does), but rather to provide a set of tools which fit together coherently and are adaptable to wide variety of uses (as a whole language does). The use case model says (loosely speaking):

An interface should address as many expected uses of the software as possible.
(Therefore, more features are good.)

I propose the alternative:

An interface should provide maximal functionality with a minimal feature set.
(Therefore, more features are bad; generality and robustness are good.)

This is a bit oversimplified -- in particular, it disregards the possibility of scalable interface complexity, an idea which is particularly important to Eidola's multi-notation world, but which I will not address here. As oversimplified mottos go, however, I believe this is a good one.

  Examples of Powerful Generality
One of the loveliest interfaces anywhere is the front panel of a Cuisinart. It has two buttons, labeled "On" and "Pulse/Off." The "On" button turns the motor on and locks down when released; the "Pulse/Off" button also turns the motor on while it is down, but releases the "On" button when released (and does not lock). We can describe the Cuisinart's interface with a loose formal semantics:

P(b) is the state of the motor after pushing button b down
R(b) is the state of the motor after releasing button b
P(On) = on
R(On) = on
P(Off/Pulse) = on
R(Off/Pulse) = off

Cuisinart could have put on the front panel a series of buttons labeled "On/Off," "Intermittent Fast," "Intermittent Slow," "Off," and perhaps a timer and a set of speeds, "Puree," "Whip," "Mince," "Eviscerate"...and so on. Yet they have used the two-button interface at least since my childhood, and with good effect -- their food processors are so widely used and respected that, like Kleenex and Xerox, their brand name is in danger of becoming the vernacular term for their product's entire category. This interface's strength is its simplicity. People can learn to use it with only a few seconds of experimentation, and not only can do most everything they need to with it, but can easily see how. The extra features they might have added to the front panel have proved unnecessary in years of use. The Cuisinart's front panel is quite close to the Platonic ideal of a front panel for a food processor.

Great interfaces are not always small; they just choose features judiciously. Adobe Photoshop has a gigantic and very intricate interface; we can forgive it, however, because the functionality-to-feature ratio is very high, and the rewards of navigating its interface are tremendous. One testament to its quality is its long-time dominance in the world of publishing, which it has maintained for about 1.7 eons of software industry time. Another is the way it became an instant standard for serious web page designers -- a status which it achieved long before it was being designed for the web.

A first-time user of Photoshop will usually spend hours messing with its wonderful collection of filters (splashy visual effects and instant gratification); those who know it well, however, love it for things like selections and layers, very general features whose incredible power is difficult to quickly appreciate. A selection is a subset of an image which serves as a mask for other drawing operations (painting, filling, moving). It is a fuzzy subset (so a particular pixel of an image could be only 42% selected), and is as arbitrarily editable as any other grayscale image. A layer is like an image on a clear plastic sheet. A user can build up a whole image from a stack of independent layers, edit them individually, and modify the composition process that flattens them into a single image.

These building blocks of Photoshop's interface are not feature-specific, and do not arise from any single particular use case. They are general and robust, and wondefully powerful. A user approaching Photoshop with a particular task in mind need not know which page of a thousand-page "interface phrasebook" the appropriate feature is on; Photoshop's interface features have the power and generality of mathematical abstraction behind them, and combine to cover its domain of functionality in much the same way that a natural language builds concepts from isolated words. The strength of this interface goes far beyond mere ease of use. Learning to use Photoshop well is hard work, but it is work well spent.

  A Final Qualification
The feature-centric, use-case-driven view is destructive if it serves as the organizing principle of design, or the final metric of success. However, use cases aren't all evil. I'm afraid I may have given the impression that I would have them thrown out entirely. They are, in fact, a very good idea, and a good way of approaching the fundamental maxim of interface design, "know thy users." Things that seem unnecessary or just make no sense at all from a very theoretical design standpoint may actually be excellent answers to the question, "Well, yes, what if a real live human being actually tried to use it?" The use case model asks this question in the form, "Can people easily do with this interface the things that they are likely to want to do?" Once the program has reached some small critical mass of usability, hands-on testing is invaluable. A mountain of good theorizing can crumble in one blank stare from a user. It is a good idea, therefore, to make sure that our lovely, minimal, theoretically clean, robust, general interfaces are also practical and usable.
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Copyright 1998, 2001 Paul Cantrell