Help out with Eidola! | Home |
If you're looking for a chance to give some casual input, look at the Calls for Ideas.
If you'd like to commit to a more substantial task, look at the Calls for Volunteers.
If you have something you'd like to contribute, please don't hesitate to do so, even if it's
not related to anything on this list!
There are three general things you can do to help out: Send me comments. "This is really cool." "This makes no sense." "I disagree with this." "Here's an interesting example I thought of." "I saw something like this once." Small is good. Large is good. Shy is not good. Link to Eidola from your site. This will draw curious visitors to the site, and help search engines pick up Eidola. Pass the site on to interested friends. If you know of somebody who would think Eidola is interesting, they should be reading these pages! |
Calls for Ideas |
Pick a topic, poke at it for a few minutes, and then zap me an e-mail before you forget! | |
Notation ideas | |
I am looking for submissions for the forthcoming notation gallery. Read more in the notation section. | |
Open questions | |
I am gathering input on a number of semantics design questions. Read through a few and give your two cents! | |
Semantics critiques | |
The semantics right now have a lot of room for change, but as the project grows, it will become increasingly difficult to undo basic design decisions. So now is the time to send along all questions great and small about the semantics. | |
Code critiques | |
The same goes for the code -- the code which exists now is the core of the kernel, and will directly affect every other piece of the Java implementation. |
Calls for Volunteers |
Code review | |
Some Java-knowledgeable programmers should get to know, critique, and sanity check Paul's code, especially the class design decisions. | |
Volunteers: Kendall (more needed to assist Kendall or work independently) | |
Kernel test suite | |
Eidola needs a test suite to verify that a kernel implements the language correctly. Enough of the language now exists and is stable that it is reasonable to begin work on such a suite. | |
Volunteers: Aaron (more needed to assist Aaron) | |
Language corner cases | |
Some creative type should noodle around with the kernel and try to do weird things, with the goal of discovering surprising constructs or subtle corner cases which the semantics allows, but which might not be desirable (like allowing a class to inherit itself). | |
Volunteers: none yet! | |
Semantics/code/documentation cross-check | |
We need occasional methodical verifications that the the code, the javadoc, and the semantics agree in their specification of the language. | |
Volunteers: Nick |
Home | Copyright 2000-2001 Paul Cantrell |