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  Eidola Examples
Comparisons and Metaphors
Growin' Code
Trial by Eidola
Tag Team Coding
Why Eidola Wants to Evolve
[an error occurred while processing the directive] About Eidola
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Contact [an error occurred while processing the directive] Eidola Home
  Where's the code? Where's the screenshots?
Eidola is a young project. It's mostly theory and vaporware at this point. One of the biggest missing pieces is notation -- that's the piece that would give you code and screenshots. The focus now is on laying the right foundation, and notation's time has not yet come. Sorry. Be patient.

In an effort to give you something concrete to wrap your mind around, here are some examples, comparisons, scenarios, and illustrations which describe the ideas behind Eidola in familiar terms, and give a sense of how it might be used. Get your vivid imagination ready....

Disclaimer: There are a lot of specific hints here about how parts of Eidola which do not exist yet will look and behave. Please note that this is all just hypothetical; none of these are promises, and this is not a design document.

Comparisons and Metaphors
Representation independence in familiar terms
Growin' Code
A sketch of what editing Eidola code might be like
Trial by Eidola
Eidola's usefulness for testing and formal verification
Tag Team Coding
Working with other developers
Why Eidola Wants to Evolve
A modular design encourages creativity, a la Linux
Next: Comparisons and Metaphors >>
Copyright 2000-2001 Paul Cantrell